7 Fun Sports Activities for Seniors

Seniors still deserve to play sports and have fun.

It is crucial to participate in sports and fitness activities on a regular basis, regardless of your age. Naturally, being active in our latter years becomes more critical in order to maintain our physical fitness and health.

According to the National Health Service, many persons over the age of 65 spend approximately 10 hours each day sitting or lying down. Many older adults are suffering from major health problems as a result of their lack of movement. A lack of physical activity can result in decreased mobility, which can result in aches and pains when performing everyday tasks such as walking to the store. People who maintain an active lifestyle, on the other hand, have a lower risk of developing heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and dementia.

In today's piece, we'll take a look at the official sport and fitness guidelines from the National Health Service (NHS). In a later section, we'll outline our top seven sports and fitness activities for older adults.

If you're thinking about picking up a new pastime, we recommend that you read our in-depth guide.


Sport and Fitness Recommendations from the National Health Service

According to the National Health Service, persons over the age of 65 should strive to be physically active every day. You can find the official guidance for adults between the ages of 19 and 64 here, but for the time being, we'll be concentrating on older folks.


"Any action is preferable to doing nothing." Whatever you do, the more beneficial it is, even if it is only mild activity."


The National Health Service (NHS) suggests a variety of activities for optimal health and fitness. Older persons should devote at least two days a week to exercises that help them maintain or develop their strength, balance, and flexibility. It is recommended that you engage in moderate intensity activity for at least 150 minutes each day the rest of the week. If you currently have a healthy lifestyle, you can substitute 75 minutes of vigorous intensity activity, or a combination of moderate and strenuous exercise, for the recommended 150 minutes.


Everyone, regardless of their level of fitness, should make an effort to limit the amount of time they spend sitting or lying down.



In most cases, light activity will not significantly increase your heart rate or cause you to become out of breath. It is, however, beneficial to break up extended periods of sitting with small bursts of light movement to keep the blood flowing.


For example, cleaning and dusting around the house, strolling at a leisurely pace, and moving around the house are all examples of mild activity (getting up to make a cup of tea, for example).


Keep in mind that any action, no matter how mild or delicate, is preferable to being motionless.



A useful method to evaluate whether an activity is considered'moderate intensity' according to the NHS is whether you can carry on a conversation but not sing while participating in it. The heart rate of moderate intensity exercise is often higher than that of light activity, in contrast to that of light activity. You may also notice that you are becoming warmer and that your breathing is becoming faster.


The following are examples of moderate aerobic activity:





Water aerobics is a type of exercise that takes place in water.

Tennis with a partner.


Alternative options include choosing 75 minutes of strong aerobic activity per week instead of the recommended 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise if you are already reasonably active.


Some moderate activities can be readily turned into strenuous ones by increasing the intensity of the exercises. Cycling, for example, is typically classified as a moderate-intensity activity, while cycling quickly or uphill would be classified as a strong activity.


Some instances of high-intensity exercise include the following:


Tennis for singles



Swimming at a high rate

Taking the long way uphill

Dancing that is high-intensity

Each week, you might participate in a combination of moderate and vigorous aerobic activity if you desire a little change in your sport and fitness program. As an illustration:


150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity (two 30-minute jogs plus 30 minutes of brisk walking) plus strength training on two or more days a week that works all of the major muscles equals 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity."


Now that we've covered the official sport and fitness recommendations from the National Health Service, let's consider the many activities that we might engage in to achieve those goals.


Older people can participate in seven different sports and fitness activities.

Take a look at these seven excellent examples of sport and fitness activities for elderly people:








Swimming is a good example.

Swimming provides a thorough workout for the body. It not only improves muscular and cardiovascular fitness, but it can also be a fun social sport to participate in.


Because of the resistance provided by the water, swimming is a great way to burn calories while also increasing muscular mass and strength. Water has a density approximately 800 times greater than that of air. Your heart and lungs have to work harder to circulate oxygen throughout your body since your muscles are working so hard in the water, as a result of this. Your cardiovascular health will improve as a result of your efforts.


Swimming is a great physical activity for anyone, but it is especially beneficial for people who have arthritis. This is due to the fact that water can hold up to 90 percent of your body weight in its entirety. Swimming, for example, will put less load on your joints than jogging, which is another option. It also has the additional benefit of strengthening the muscles that support the joints.


Swimming may be fairly fun, and it can also have a positive effect on your overall mood if done regularly. It can also enhance your social life as you become a regular at the leisure center, where you will meet new individuals who share your enthusiasm for swimming.


Other pool-based sports and fitness activities, such as water polo and aqua aerobics, can be enjoyed by participants of all ages and abilities.


Learn more about the advantages of swimming by visiting this website.


Cycling is number two on the list.

It is estimated that more than two million people in the United Kingdom currently pedal at least three times a week, according to British Cycling, the sport's regulatory body. Going on a bike ride is a terrific way to stay in shape while also lowering the chance of developing chronic illnesses. It is also a convenient mode of transportation to and from the store or to work.


The act of riding a bike burns more calories than the act of jogging, and it also has less effect on your joints, particularly your knees, than running. This is due to the fact that cycling relieves stress on their joints. When you cycle, you work your entire body and can lose weight in the process, all while keeping all of your joints functioning in an enjoyable, outside activity.


Cycling for at least 150 minutes every week, as recommended by the National Health Service, will help you improve your total cardiovascular fitness. The United Kingdom has a number of bicycle clubs which you can join, which can help you overcome loneliness by allowing you to meet new people and make more friends.


Cycling has numerous health benefits, but it also has the added benefit of saving you money. You can use your bike as a mode of transportation rather than relying on your car's gas or paying for a bus or taxi fare. Furthermore, fewer cars on the road are better for the environment since they emit less hazardous emissions.


Learn more about the advantages of cycling.




3. Walking Football (also known as jogging football)

Perhaps you were a talented player in your youth, but you haven't felt able to participate in the sport in a while. As a result, you'll be pleased to know that walking football has gained significant popularity since its inception in 2011. Those of a more mature age may find this more intriguing than the more aggressive version of the sport.


A walking football game is designed specifically for people over the age of 50 who may have assumed that their footballing days were behind them. The rules are similar to those of a typical five-a-side game, with the exception of the most essential rule, which is that there is no running allowed. A free kick is awarded to the opposing team if the referee catches any players rushing on the field.


Walking football gives you the opportunity to enjoy the wonderful game in a different way. Despite the ban on running, it is still beneficial to keep your legs moving in order to get a solid cardio workout done. Over and above all, walking football allows you to get some exercise without having to worry about overdoing it and jeopardizing your health.


Learn more about Walking Football by visiting their website.



4. Squash is a type of squash.

Squash is a racket sport played indoors that provides a terrific exercise for the entire body. Players attempt to strike a hollow rubber ball against the four walls of the court in such a way that the other team is unable to return the ball to the player who hit it.


In half an hour of gaming, you can burn an average of 500 calories every hour of play. You will be running and reaching for the ball, which means that all of your joints will be getting a nice workout as well. Participating in a racquet sport such as squash, for example, can lower your chance of developing illnesses such as type 2 diabetes.


The fact that squash can be played by two or four people makes it a social game that you may enjoy with your friends. For those who have access to a squash court at their local gym or leisure center, it could be an excellent way to meet new people who share a same interest.


Find out more about the rules and benefits of playing squash in this article.


Golf is number five.



Golf is often thought of as a sport that moves slowly and steadily. Golf, on the other hand, provides numerous health and fitness benefits, which may come as a surprise to you. Recent research discovered that men who played nine holes of golf and carried their clubs in a bag burned an average of 721 calories every round of golf. As an added bonus, golf takes you out into the fresh air and gives you with an excellent mental workout.


Because golf is played on a large course, you will be doing a lot of walking on your way to and from the club. Most courses are also not level, so you will be walking uphill on your way to the next hole on a majority of them as well. Going for a stroll is beneficial to the body, but participating in a round of golf does much more.


In addition to getting a good workout, you can enhance your flexibility, balance, and core strength by participating in a sporting activity. Each time you swing your golf club, you are gradually increasing the strength in your arms and core muscles that you have. As you get older, this type of activity can be quite good to your overall health. Of course, lugging your golf clubs or pushing them behind a golf cart is a good workout for your muscles as well.


Furthermore, golf is a great way to exercise the brain as well. Concentration and hand-eye coordination are essential for making the correct shot at the appropriate time. The act of memorizing each hole and determining which club to use throughout a round of golf requires a great deal of mental effort on your part. When it comes to fighting the onset of dementia, this is an excellent talent to have.


Learn more about the advantages of golfing by visiting this website.


Walking is number six.

Incorporating walking into your everyday routine is by far the most straightforward kind of exercise. Exercise, such as taking a stroll, can help to circulate blood throughout your body without placing undue strain on your cardiovascular system. Stroke risk can be minimized by taking good care of one's vascular system, for example.


Not only that, but walking can also aid to keep high blood pressure under control while also improving the overall performance of your heart. Walking, like any other form of exercise, will, without a doubt, assist you in burning calories and losing excess body weight.


Walking has also been shown to aid improve mental health and improve one's disposition. When it comes to clearing your thoughts and brightening your mood, there is nothing better than taking a leisurely walk in the countryside. In addition, going for a walk with friends can assist to improve your social life, and there are numerous walking groups available around the country.


More information on the advantages of walking may be found here.


Sport and fitness activities are part of the Lifeline's annual strategic plan.


Nordic Walking is number seven on the list.

Nordic Walking may be a good choice for you if you want something a little more intensive than usual walking. The use of specifically built walking poles allows you to get a full-body workout while participating in this sport..


The poles assist you in harnessing the strength of your upper body in order to propel yourself ahead as you stroll. Nordic Walking can help you burn up to 46 percent more calories than conventional walking while also helping to improve your posture and stride, according to the American Council on Exercise.


Again, as with conventional walking, there are clubs all across the country that have teachers on hand to assist you in learning the appropriate technique.


Learn more about the benefits of Nordic Walking and how to get started.


Keep in mind that you should always check your doctor before beginning any new sport or fitness habit. To begin with, go slowly and steadily. It is preferable to gradually develop your fitness rather than to start out too intensively and damage yourself at the beginning.


Information Regarding Personal Alarms

Determining to increase your physical fitness as an older person can be among your best decisions in terms of improving your entire health and well-being. It would also be a good idea to consider purchasing a Lifeline personal alarm system. Physical activity improves your balance as well as your fitness, which means you may be slightly less prone to falling as a result of your efforts. Falls, on the other hand, continue to be common among the over-65s.

Krees DG

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