22 Fun Courses for Seniors to Study

Learning does not stop when you're growing old.

You've finally reached the end of your working life and are seeking for anything to do to pass the time. It might be a terrific way to pass the time for older adults to take advantage of free online courses.

It provides you with the opportunity to study something new at your own speed from the comfort of your own home.

There are practically hundreds of options to choose from when it comes to exploring both old and new areas of interest on the internet, which is always at your fingertips!

In this post, we'll provide you a list of the 22 finest free online courses for senior adults that you may take at your leisure. In addition, we've divided these courses into a number of different categories.

Afterwards, we'll give you some tips on how to find free courses and where to seek for them, as well as an explanation of what "free" could truly imply on different websites.

A brief description of each free online course featured here will be provided, as well as a link to the website where the course may be accessed.

Let's get things started right now.

Investing in the stock market 1.

To complete this "click through" course given by The Vanguard Group, Inc., all you have to do is click.

It's as simple as clicking on the links that are relevant to you and following the instructions that are offered.

There are a variety of alternatives for people at different stages of life, as well as information on anything from social security to financial planning.

This type of lesson may be found on many investment-related websites.

Obviously, we recommended Vanguard, but if you have your retirement account with Merrill Lynch, there is a strong probability that they, too, provide a free retirement education course.

This is most likely the area in which the majority of older folks require some type of training or help.

The number of new applications and platforms being developed is so staggering that it is impossible for anyone to keep up.

Techboomers.com provides over 100 free seminars on various topics related to technology.

For example, a simple Google search for "basic computer skills" yields 72 pages worth of seminars for nearly every interest and ability level. Here are a few examples of the services they provide:

2. How to save a GIF image to your computer.
The next time you come across a cute cat GIF, you may save it to show your grandchildren.

Antivirus Software: What Is It and How Does It Work?
Learn more about malware and viruses, as well as how to keep your computer and personal files safe from harm..

Instructions on how to transfer photos and videos from your iPhone to your Windows PC.
Defragment your smartphone to make room for more images and videos of your grandchildren.

There are lessons available for Android and Mac users as well, so don't be concerned.

The majority of the courses are straightforward to follow.

As you scroll through and read them, you will see that they include links that will transport you to the right section of the course at the proper time.

With today's reliance on technology to communicate, it might be difficult to engage younger members of the family in conversations.

If you have the mentality of "if you can't beat 'em, join 'em," you may create your own blog as a method to remain in touch with your friends and family.

Beginner Bloggers' Guide: A Step-by-Step Guide
SkillShare's training, which is broken down into 14 short videos, explains the procedure step by step.

It's a step-by-step method that takes you through each stage and tells you precisely where to click and what to input.

You'll be up and running and writing your first post in a matter of hours.

Do you want to learn more about blogging? As a bonus, we've put up this comprehensive advice on how to build a lucrative blog for complete novices.

Health and fitness are important.

6. Introducing the Concept of Aging
This one is about increasing your lifespan and learning how to enhance your health as you become older.

A similar course is given by The Open University (OpenLearn), which is a website that contains a large number of classes that can be searched for by topic and interest.

There is an option to download this particular course to read on other devices, which is a convenient feature.

You may start it on your computer and then download it to your Kindle so that you can complete the course wherever you are most comfortable with your computer.

Yoga with Adriene is number seven.
If you're looking for something a little more energetic, this website offers free yoga videos.

Adriene walks you through each phase of the practice in each video, which is around 20-30 minutes in length.

Monthly themed practices are conducted by her, with each day building on the preceding one.

All of the videos are available on her website or on YouTube, allowing you to move through her yoga course at your own leisure.

Health-Care System (number 8)

As we grow older, we find ourselves having to interact with doctors and healthcare providers more frequently, which may be a perplexing and stressful experience at times.

The video course on medication price offered by Khan Academy contains an overview as well as debates.


9. Nutrition in the Aging Population

Nutrition plays an important role in our overall health and fitness, and there are a variety of courses available that cover all elements of nutrition.

Especially fascinating is this one from Imperial College London.

The course is just 4 weeks long and needs only 2-4 hours each week of your time, but it is jam-packed with knowledge that will teach you both the principles of nutrition as well as some tips for improving your nutritional intake and overall health.

10. Diabetes: The Basics You Need to Know

You may also discover nutrition lessons that are tailored to certain health conditions on a regular basis.

The course on Coursera is from the University of Copenhagen and covers the principles of the condition, as well as preventative and treatment options and current research findings.

To finish the course on your own time schedule, you will watch a series of short films that will take roughly 8 hours.

What about the free time we talked about at the start of this article? Do you recall what we said about it?

It is not necessarily necessary to fill it with "real-world" items and activities. Every now and again, you may simply want to take a mental break and look at something that piques your interest.

Fortunately, at least one other person somewhere is likely to be interested in the same thing.

There are courses available on a wide range of topics that may be tailored to meet almost any interest or hobby you may have or wish to pursue further.


The Great Pyramids of Giza: Ancient Egyptian Art and Archaeology (11th Edition)

This introductory-level course, which is offered by Harvard University and available through edX, runs for 8 weeks and may be completed at your own leisure.

In order to finish the materials, it is recommended that you devote 2-4 hours each week.

The fact that the course is free will be noted by the fact that it is mentioned.

If, on the other hand, you hover your cursor above the dollar symbol, you will see a message appearing.

"Upgrade for official credit, premium material, and prolonged access," the message says in part.

This is not to mean that you will not receive a worthwhile course for nothing.

You will still receive the course materials for the actual class.

However, you should be informed of what else could be available so that you aren't caught off guard when you enroll in a course.

If you care about your personal health or financial well-being, there are some things you should be aware of regardless of the reason for your interest.

Here are some courses that will keep you educated and up to speed on the latest developments.

12. Free Drawing Instructions for Complete Beginners

John C. Kline received his bachelor's degree in fine arts from the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia.

On his website, he makes this course available. The videos, which are broken down into 14 classes, are straightforward and easy to follow up with.

The Will Kemp Art School is number thirteen.

If acrylic painting is something that you are interested in, you should check out this website.

Their online video courses include Still Life, Landscape, and Townscape instructions, as well as information on how to set up materials and color mix in your own paintings.

Perhaps you prefer to spend your time simply admiring and learning about art.

If this is the case, there are literally hundreds of free courses available to you that will fulfill your requirements.

fourteen. The History of Western Art and Civilization: From Prehistory to the Middle Ages

SmartHistory has compiled contributions from more than 200 experts and scholars to produce their fantastic course, which is available online.

It's a straightforward curriculum in document form that includes links to videos and articles for each of the areas covered in the course.

All you have to do is read the material and click on the links to proceed with the program.

As a result of the overwhelming popularity of the course, the developers produced two extra syllabi in the same way to cover further historical periods.

If you've ever desired to view great pieces of art but haven't had the opportunity to travel, the internet may serve as your virtual passport to those treasured locations.

15. The Main Museum Complex of the Hermitage

Despite the fact that this isn't really a planned course, the Hermitage provides virtual tours of everything that falls under their jurisdiction.

This contains their main museum complex as well as the Winter Palace of Peter the Great (seen above) (among others).

You'll need a fast internet connection and a good mouse to get through all of the options, but the process is quite straightforward.

Once you've chosen your tour and the floor plan has been loaded, you have two options to consider.

You may start the tour by clicking on "Begin the Tour," which will take you on a virtual tour of the area as if you were truly there.

To advance through the tour, simply click on the arrows at the top of the page.

At the top of the screen, there is also an information button that provides a brief summary of what you are looking at.

If you only want to look at specific pieces of art or regions of the museum, you may click on each of the designated spots, which will transport you to that section of the museum.

The camera pans over information dots, which you may click on to read descriptions of the objects in the scene.

Excellent work, and it is certainly the next best thing to being there in person!


Sure, you enjoy listening to it, but have you ever wished to understand more about the music you enjoy listening to the most?

There are courses to suit every taste and preference in terms of listening enjoyment. (It goes without saying that you will want excellent audio and visual capabilities in order to complete these courses.)

Make sure you have your headphones handy.

The Beatles' Music is Number 16 on the list.
It takes six weeks to complete a course dedicated to one of the most successful bands in history.

The video lectures, which were produced by the University of Rochester, follow the band from its inception to the present day, while also evaluating the influence they have on music in general.

Part One of the History of Rock and Roll
Looking for a more basic overview of Rock Roll?

This course is offered by the University of Rochester, and it is part of the university's normal instructional calendar.

Despite the fact that this is a more structured 8-week course with specific start dates, it still only takes an investment of 2-4 hours per week.

It is necessary to note that this particular sequence of courses is divided into two sections.

Part One covers the period prior to the formation of rock roll (pre-1955) until the end of the 1960s, and it delves deeply into the origins of the genre.

Jazz Appreciation (number 18)

In case you want something a bit more easy back, the University of Texas at Austin offers a class that is totally self-paced (see below).

It tells the history of jazz music through performances, demonstrations, and lectures, and it includes greats such as John Coltrane and Miles Davis.

This is without a doubt one of my favorite free online courses for seniors over the age of sixty-five.

Introduction to Classical Music (Chapter 19)

If you've ever wanted to learn more about classical music, Yale University offers an outstanding course.

There are real start dates for this course, which is comparable to the History of Rock course stated above, and it includes around 44 hours of instruction and content.

While it may seem like a lot, the site recommends working through the materials for 9 weeks at a rate of 2-3 hours each week, and everything is completely adaptable.

You choose your own schedule and have the flexibility to adjust it as required.


There are a variety of courses to choose from, ranging from ancient civilizations to contemporary politics.

Introduction to Ancient Greek History (chapter 20)

Yale University provides this course, which consists of 24 YouTube videos that are split down into 30-40 minute segments.

It is a chronological chronology of Greek history that spans from its inception to the conclusion of the classical period.

The videos are available for viewing at any time.

Twenty-first century health and well-being in the ancient world

The Open University offers a course that examines how ancient Greeks and Romans coped with societal difficulties via the use of archaeological and literary sources.

It will run for six weeks and will begin on particular days.

22. Genealogy: Investigating Your Ancestral Lineage

Have you ever wished to learn more about your ancestors?

Take a look at this course from the University of Strathclyde, which is located in Glasgow.

The course will take around 4 hours each week for 6 weeks, and you will obtain a grasp of basic genealogical procedures that will aid you in the construction of your family tree.

Krees DG

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