18 Great Life Hacks for the Elderly

This article will let you in on a huge secret: life hacks work.

Small annoyances abound in our day-to-day activities. It's not pleasant to get your knee caught in a sharp corner or experience back discomfort when picking up the newspaper. However, as we grow older, these little irritations can escalate into potentially life-threatening situations. As a result, Alert1 has compiled the finest senior hacks to help you prevent accidents and live a safer and more convenient life.

These tactics for managing your time and activities more efficiently are known as hacks. Two instances of hacks include the use of rubber gloves while opening a jar and the use of a trouser hanger to hang a recipe on the refrigerator door.

Without further ado, here are some of Alert1's favorite senior aging tricks to try out.

Household Aging Hacks to Make Life Easier

Give your keys a good manicure and keep track of which key unlocks which lock. Make a mark on your key with a dot of colored nail paint to signify what each key unlocked. The color coordination aids in recalling information and making it easier to identify each key. To add some color to the proceedings, ask your granddaughter for some bright nail paint.

With an extension grabber, you can get to those difficult-to-reach locations. Forget about the stool and instead reach for that sweater on the top shelf with your extension grabber. An extension grabber is a pole made of metal or plastic with a claw connected to the end of the pole. By pressing the handle, the claw opens and closes on the thing you are looking for.

Make light a reality by making an investment in automated lighting. Why waste time scurrying around in the dark when you might be going from room to room in complete comfort? Automatic lights turn on throughout the night and are ideal for rooms with light switches that are difficult to reach by hand.

Make use of your hanging shoe rack by storing cleaning products on it. When it's time to clean, you don't want to be late to the scene because you're suffering from a sore back. Instead of rummaging around beneath the sink, put your tile cleaner on a hook instead. This results in a quicker clean-up and reduced backache for the worker.

Using a shoehorn with a long handle, you can save your shoes. Reduce the pressure on your lower body while also keeping your favorite pair of shoes looking new and stylish! A shoehorn will save the backs of your shoes and make putting them on quick and easy for you.

Remove all of your rugs to avoid tripping. Rugs are attractive near the foyer, but they become a tripping danger further down the hall. Stop stumbling and take the rugs out of the room. If you do happen to fall, Alert1's home fall detection system will alert emergency services.

Senior Tips and Tricks in the Kitchen

Wrapping rubber bands around your cups can help you maintain your hold. Why be upset over a spilled glass of milk when you could have prevented the spill in the first place? Using a rubber band from your newspaper, wrap it around your favorite cup and set it somewhere safe. This will help you maintain a better grasp on the cups and prevent them from slipping out of your hand.

A Lazy Susan will add some flair to your refrigerator. It's usual to have a Lazy Susan in your cabinet for organizing things. Why not include the refrigerator as well? A Lazy Susan can help you keep your condiments organized and conveniently accessible at all times. Everything will be within easy reach if you simply spin the device.

Rubber gloves can be used to loosen up jars that are too tight. The ideal choice is a pair of dishwashing gloves or a pair of rubber-padded work gloves. As a result of the friction created by rubber gloves, opening bottles and jars is a breeze.

With a wooden spoon, you can stop boiling water from spilling. To prevent your pot from boiling over, place a wooden spoon over the top of it. When the starchy water comes to a boil, the bubbles come into contact with the spoon and explode before they cause the water to overflow.

With the help of a clothes hanger, keep your recipe at eye level. Locate a cabinet handle that is free and secure your recipe to it using a binder clip. Because it is safely hanging out of the way, there is no need to be concerned about spilling food on your cookbook.

Use a moist paper towel under the cutting board to prevent it from slipping. The preparation of vegetables is a precise activity that involves teamwork and cooperation. A damp paper towel should be placed below a cutting board to prevent it from slipping. Your fingertips will be grateful to you.

Senior Safety Tips and Tricks

Moldable putty can be used to soften the corners of furniture that are too sharp. It's the last thing you want to be doing when you're sitting at the coffee table. When it comes to softening sharp furniture edges, moldable putty or foam insulators are excellent choices. Avoid causing unneeded harm to your legs and your furnishings by wearing leggings instead of shoes.

Keep yourself and your loved ones safe with a medical alert device. As we become older, we are more prone to falling. Invest in a medical alert system that detects when you've fallen. Alert1 provides fall detection services in the home and on the move to keep you safe at home and on the go. We also have a large selection of fashionable accessories for you to peruse.

Request that pharmaceutical bottles be fitted with non-childproof tops. If your grandkids aren't coming to visit anytime soon, ask your pharmacist for caps that aren't child-resistant. There is no longer any need to strain your hands trying to open pill bottles.

Get a grip of yourself and install grab bars throughout the home. As we grow older, railings and handrails become an absolute need. Install grab bars in your bathroom first, because it is the most commonplace in which people experience a fall.

Increase the tempo! Install wheelchair ramps at the entrances to your home. The use of a ramp makes going about safer for everyone, regardless of whether they are in a wheelchair. Stairs are not only difficult on the knees, but they are also a potential fall danger. Although your home currently includes ramps, this is not true of many areas. With Alert1's mobile fall detection, you can stay safe even while you're on the go.

Replace low-sitting toilet seats with higher-sitting toilet seats to make sitting more comfortable. Additionally, a raised toilet seat helps boost your bathroom safety in addition to grab bars. We recommend that you sit in a chair with grab bars so that you can maintain your balance when standing up.

Put an end to your daily stresses and be safe.

You won't be able to stop the passage of time, but you can improve your quality of life and make aging in place more comfortable. Install railings that are fixed to the wall and automated lighting. Remove the rugs from your house in order to avoid tripping. Your cooking and cleaning materials may be simply stored on a Lazy Susan or on shoe hangers. These tips can help you navigate your home in a more secure and stress-free manner.

There are a plethora of elder aging tricks available online. Do you have a favorite aging-in-place technique that you would like to share? Please let us know by leaving a comment below!

Krees DG

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