"I'm on my deathbed." These are the kinds of words that most of us fear hearing from someone we care about. Death, on the other hand, is an unavoidable aspect of life. If it hasn't already happened to you, the odds are good that you'll be called upon to assist a parent, spouse, friend, or other loved one through a difficult time.
Yes, it might be a daunting thought, but it is also an honor to be chosen for this position. Taking advantage of this unique opportunity will allow you to support your loved one in making the most of their remaining time on earth, to aid them in taking the next step without remorse, and to create wonderful memories for you to remember after they have passed.
There are several difficulties to overcome along this procedure, though. The end of life frequently elicits a range of strong emotions, with worry being one of the most devastating. Because death is unique to each individual and because we know so little about what occurs when a person dies away, patients and their families are frequently overcome with a sense of dread at the prospect of dying. The following are the seven most prevalent anxieties related with death, as well as suggestions for how caretakers might assist their loved ones near the end of life.
Fear of the Dying Process is a common phobia.
Fear of pain and suffering during the actual dying process is a common source of apprehension about the procedure. "How am I going to get through this?" people who are nearing the end of their lives may question.
Make certain that your loved one understands that they will suffer little or no pain until they choose to do otherwise. Hospice care workers are trained professionals who specialize in providing pain and symptom management to individuals nearing the end of their lives. Members of the team are trained to determine what patients require by interpreting verbal and nonverbal clues, and they will explain the advantages and disadvantages of each treatment choice with patients and their families.
Fear of losing one's grip on things
When someone is dying, some people are able to maintain a very busy and regular lifestyle right up until the end of their lives. People who are really sick, on the other hand, must generally rely on family members and carers to assist them with activities of daily living (ADLs) in the months, weeks, or days that remain in their lives. Many patients feel uneasy with the idea of relying on others for monitoring and support, and this is completely understandable and natural.
For the time being, urge your loved one to maintain their normal routine as much as possible to assist alleviate their anxiety. A life-threatening or terminal illness does not fundamentally alter the person's character or personality. Provide them with an opportunity to meet and get acquainted with their carers as soon as it becomes evident that they will need to accept care from others. This is particularly important if medical professionals are involved. Getting to know nurses and aides before they are called upon to provide full services might help to lessen pain and worry.
Furthermore, if you and your loved one haven't previously talked about your end-of-life intentions, don't wait until the last minute. To specify the kind of medical care they DO and DO NOT want to receive in the event of their death, most individuals execute a living will, do-not-resuscitate order (DNR), physician orders for life-sustaining treatment (POLST) form, or other legal instrument. Discussing these issues with your loved one and putting their requests in writing while they are still competent to make decisions may help them feel more secure that their preferences will be honored even if they are unable to express them verbally in the future.
Fear of being apart from loved ones
Some persons nearing the end of their lives are more concerned with how their loved ones are dealing and how they will deal with the loss than they are with their own situation. "What is going to happen to my family?" they may be thinking to themselves. "How will they cope if I am no longer there?"
This worry can only be alleviated by those who are closest to the dying person. Be willing to talk about what will happen to everyone when they die with your loved one, and do everything you can to convince them that everything will be well after they pass away as well. If there are children or dependent individuals involved, assist in the development of a thorough plan for their future care.
Fear of the Reactions of Others
A loved one's end-of-life experience should be as peaceful and relaxing as possible, and this should be the primary emphasis throughout this time. This is a difficult process to be a part of or observe, and emotions are frequently running high during this time. It is normal to experience feelings of dread and despair, but once the first shock has gone off, make an effort to maintain a regular level of behavior. Instead than concentrating on the eventual loss, make the most of your time together. It is acceptable to express your actual emotions, but keep in mind that this is not a personal experience for you. Be considerate of your loved one's desire for calm and support at this time.
Make certain that all caregivers and family members (including yourself!) are getting adequate sleep, eating nutritious meals, and receiving emotional support. The consequences of not having access to these essentials are visible in both look and manner, and they may cause your loved one additional anxiety as well.
Last but not least, make certain that all caregivers and guests are aware of what is about to happen. In this way, the dying person will be less likely to experience feelings of shock or anxiety, which can be distressing for them.
Isolation is a source of anxiety.
Fear of any type often prompts us to crave the presence and comfort of people we care about the most in our lives. The prospect of confronting the end of one's life alone would cause anyone significant worry, and it is a common source of fear for many older citizens as well. They are concerned about whether or not their friends and relatives will pay them a visit, and whether or not they will continue to be attentive and supportive until the very end.
Simply said, make sure that you arrange regular visits with close friends, family members, and volunteers. While it is crucial to make the senior feel loved and valued, it is also important not to tire them with constant visiting.
In the event that you do not live close to your loved one or are unable to make regular visits for other reasons, consider utilizing the services of hospice care providers, volunteer organizations, or church ministries. In addition to frequent visits by nurses and aides, pastors, musicians and volunteers, end-of-life care provided by these organizations has been shown to greatly boost the patient's quality of life.
Fear of the Unknown is a fear of the unknown.
What is the likelihood of there being life after death? What can I anticipate from this experience? These are questions that everyone has pondered at some point in their lives. Even the most self-described skeptic wonders what will happen when they take their final breaths on this earth.
Physical, emotional, and spiritual consequences result from not addressing this matter. Even if your loved one is not religious, you might want to consider inviting a priest, rabbi, minister, pastor, or other religious leader to come and talk with them. Outside resources like these may provide a gift of serenity to everyone, regardless of their previous misgivings and mistrust.
Fear that one's life has ceased to be meaningful
It is important for those who are about to leave this world to know that they are appreciated, that their accomplishments have had a beneficial influence on the world, and that they will not be forgotten. Never pass up the opportunity to express your feelings for someone you care about and to remind them of all the positive things they have contributed to your life.
If they are feeling down, reassure them that their lives have purpose and significance, and urge others to do the same, either in person or through cards and letters. Spend some time looking through photo albums, recalling memories, and learning from your loved one's life experiences as well.