Reasons Why Seniors Should Go to Church (Aside from Religion)

Enjoy these four reasons why seniors should go to church that is not related to God.

Regular attendance at church is one of the most beneficial activities you can engage in for the purpose of preserving – and in many cases, improving – your bodily and mental well-being. Being a part of a religious community is nearly always a surefire method to improve one's social life, improve one's general fitness, and live in a more environmentally friendly manner. As they grow older, seniors might turn to friends, family, community organizations, and support groups for assistance in coping with a variety of challenges - but the church can serve as a combination of all of these resources.

A self-organizing support group

When you become involved in a church community, you have the opportunity to meet dozens of new people in the most convenient way possible. As we grow older, we frequently lose touch with acquaintances for a variety of reasons, including geographical, health, and mobility challenges, among others. Having a defined community consisting of local people who, as a tenet of their faith, welcome you into the fold can be quite beneficial to seniors who are struggling to form new relationships in their later years.

This church support group will be there to keep an eye on you and your well-being throughout the process. It is likely that you will receive more than one or two phone calls or visits if you do not attend church. If you require assistance in dealing with a medical condition, you will receive it. Whenever you require the assistance of a professional to discuss depression or anxiety, you will have that ear available.

a renewed feeling of mission

As they grow older, many seniors experience a sense of purposelessness. They are no longer employed. Their family are able to support themselves. They are separated from their spouses. For some, the lack of a sense of purpose can be a mental challenge. People enjoy the feeling of being able to rely on them.

This can be provided by a church community. Everyone in a larger group is dependent on you for a variety of reasons when they are together. Churches in particular offer outreach, offering seniors the opportunity to give back to their communities through charitable and good-will efforts.

"The sense of selflessness that comes from attending church inspires people to take action. It is common for places of religion to promote service and kindness action, and they will arrange a variety of events for volunteering, which will allow one to teach, lead, and assist others," according to

An energy boost for both the body and the mind

Several studies have found that remaining social as we age lowers our chance of dying from a variety of causes. As we age, it is increasingly necessary to engage in social activities. Churches provide chances to do so. Seniors frequently associate with their church friends on a weekly basis, between worship sessions, potlucks, bible study, and other community events, according to the American Society of Aging. Being social can aid in the prevention of cognitive decline in older people as well as the prevention of seniors slipping into depression as a result of loneliness.

Church attendance also has a positive impact on the physical health of seniors. Seniors benefit from being "forced" to get up and move many times a week, as this provides them with much-needed exercise. Seniors can also participate in a variety of church-sponsored activities that encourage physical activity, such as walking clubs, gardening clubs, and sports teams.

Substance misuse might be replaced with other activities.

Seniors are just as susceptible to substance abuse as younger age groups – if not more so – than those in the general population. Loneliness, sadness, a loss of a sense of purpose, chronic pain, and tragic life events are all factors that might lead to seniors seeking comfort in drugs and alcohol. When it comes to seniors, substance misuse is damaging to anyone, but it is particularly harmful because they are often suffering from various medical ailments at the same. Seniors generally consume a greater number of prescription medications, which might result in drug interactions. Not only that, but the ability of elders to metabolize alcohol is also diminished. As a result, drug and alcohol misuse can be very detrimental – and sometimes fatal – to senior citizens in particular.

For people who are battling with substance misuse, church can be a welcome option — a place to find consolation that is not at the bottom of the bottle. Churches can provide a key social support system as well as physical activity for persons who are recovering from addiction.

Krees DG

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