Ten Tips to Skincare for Seniors

These ten tips can keep you from looking old.

Your skin naturally ages in tandem with your body as you grow older. The production of collagen and elastin slows down as you age, resulting in your skin losing some of its elasticity. Older adults frequently have dry skin because their skin becomes thinner and more fragile as they age, and their glands lose their ability to effectively moisturize the skin as a result of this. The environment, in addition to these natural effects of aging, can have a compounding effect, such as when a person receives too much sunlight or has been exposed to extreme weather conditions. The ethnicity and heredity of a person are also important factors in the way his or her skin ages.
How can you prevent the development of dry skin and the aggravating effects of it? Our skincare tips for older adults come from a variety of sources, including Careful Attention to Aging Skin by Today's Geriatric Medicine, Skin Care: 5 Tips for Healthy Skin by the Mayo Clinic, Aging Changes in Skin by Medline, Skin Care and Aging by the National Institute on Aging, and Keep Your Skin Healthy by the National Institutes of Health's Senior Health division.

First and foremost, wash gently.

When you wash your clothes, use warm water rather than hot, and avoid taking too many baths or showers. Instead of using harsh soaps and alcohol-based products, use mild cleansers instead. Bath oils should be avoided because they make the tub slick, increasing the risk of falling.

Tip #2: Keep Your Skin Moisturized

If you have dry skin, consider using a fragrance-free moisturizer and keeping it well-hydrated to help prevent the cracking and itching that can occur. Consequently, the "itch-scratch-rash-itch cycle" will be avoided.

Tip #3: Protect Your Skin from the Sun

When at all possible, avoid being in the sun between the hours of 10 a.m. and 4 p.m., when the rays are at their strongest. Sunburn can occur even when the sky is cloudy or when you are swimming in water. Broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher is recommended. Apply it 15 to 30 minutes before leaving the house, and reapply it every two hours after that. Avoid using tanning products such as sunlamps, tanning beds, and tanning pills.

#4: Make sure you're dressed to protect yourself.

Wear "loose, lightweight, long-sleeved shirts and long pants or long skirts," as well as a wide-brimmed hat, to protect yourself from the sun. Wearing sunglasses that block the sun's rays is also recommended.

Tip #5: Avoid smoking at all costs!

Smoking has numerous negative effects on your skin, including the formation of wrinkles and the premature aging of your skin. Smokers have narrowed blood vessels in the outer layer of skin, reducing blood flow and depleting the skin of nutrients and oxygen, according to the American Cancer Society. Smoking also has a negative effect on collagen and elastin, which are responsible for skin's elasticity.

Eat More Healthfully (Tip #6)

Even "minor nutritional deficiencies can result in rashes, skin lesions, and other skin changes," according to the National Institutes of Health. Make certain that your diet contains a healthy balance of nutrients.

Tip #7: Get Your Drink On!

Make sure you drink plenty of fluids. When you dehydrate, your skin dehydrates as well, increasing the likelihood that you'll injure your skin as a result.

Humidify your home as a final tip.

Install a humidifier in your home to increase the amount of moisture in the air.

Tip #9: Keep drying substances to a minimum.

Using excessive amounts of soap, perfume, or antiperspirant can aggravate dry skin.

Tip #10: Consult with a medical professional.

If you try all of the other suggestions and still have dry, itchy skin, consult your doctor for advice and treatment. He or she may perform tests to determine if you have diabetes or kidney disease, as well as make topical recommendations for pain relief.

Krees DG

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