Seniors Can Still Fall in Love

Seniors can still fall in love with someone else, but there should be precautions.

Birds are the ones who do it. It's done by bees. Even well-educated elders fall prey to this trap. "It" is in the process of falling in love. However, in the case of our parents, "it" may be the ability to retain the love that has been in their marriages for many decades.

Taking Pleasure in Romantic Love in Older Age

Romance is still a significant part of most people's lives, and it doesn't end with their retirement.

Our parents are accustomed to sharing their lives with someone for companionship and true love during their golden years, whether they are still married to their first wives or have remarried.

It may surprise you to learn that recent studies on romance among older persons have revealed the following findings:

According to the University of Michigan's National Poll on Aging, 72 percent of people between the ages of 65 and 80 reported having a romantic partner at the time of the poll.

According to an AARP survey of 800 older women in Southern California, those under the age of 55 and those over the age of 80 were the most likely to report being content with the romance in their life.

Here are a few real-life examples of romantic love in later life.

The death of my wife's mother led to my father-in-law relocating to Leisure World in Southern California. The "casserole brigade," which consists of widows on the lookout for their next spouse, was attracted to him because he was a healthy 71-year-old with a beating heart, a condo, and a car, among other things.

At Leisure World, he met and promptly married a younger woman, whom he married a year later. Because they didn't have much in common, their romance lasted only a few short months.

Later in the year, he met another woman while playing bridge on a weekly basis. The two of them were a lot better match and were married for 15 years until he passed away.

My mother's friend, who was in her 60s and 70s at the time, was married four times. Ironically, her fourth marriage turned out to be the funeral director with whom she had become acquainted throughout the course of preparing the final arrangements for her first three husbands.

Aging in Place with 24-Hour Care Can Make You Feel Lonely, but Not Alone

Upon my father's death at the age of 89, my mother made the decision not to remarry. Now approaching 101 years old, she tells me on a regular basis, "My children and grandchildren give me plenty of hugs and kisses."

Mom has opted to "age in place" in the comfort of the Marin County condo she's owned since 1971, which my family has chosen for her. Because of her memory problems, she requires round-the-clock care. (You may find out more about our 24-hour care here.)

Have a look at these creative ways to spend the Valentine's Day weekend with an elderly loved one:

My siblings and I see her on a regular basis, and we frequently bring long-time family friends with us. For a while, a neighbor of a good friend took on the role of her "lover," which meant that they met together once a month for an extended lunch every few months.

What Strategies Do Singles Use to Find Romantic Love?

Couples meet in a variety of ways for any length of time and at any age, regardless of their relationship status:

The process of finding a partner through your personal network. You can take advantage of friends and family members who know other seniors who are looking for a companion.

It was at a friend's place. Meeting new people in this manner is informal and allows for the formation of friendships before they embark on a dating relationship.

Online dating services are becoming increasingly popular. Other options are available, ranging from the AARP's "How About We" to eHarmony Senior Dating and Our Time, as well as numerous specialized sites aimed toward specific religious affiliations, gender orientations, and geographic locations.

A dating coach, service, or professional matchmaker is someone who helps people find love. So the senior will be certain that the person they are going out with has been well screened and is sincerely looking for love.

Community centers and senior facilities are also available. Meeting up for daytime activities is a great opportunity to meet new people and make new friends.

Groups of people to do things. It is almost certain that you will have at least one thing in common with someone you meet here.

Interactions that aren't planned. In the grocery store, bingo hall, library, or hot tub at the local swimming pool, seniors can begin their senior romance journey. Seniors may notice someone they are interested in and strike up a discussion with them. Casual interactions are frequently the most beneficial because seniors are more relaxed and approachable in these circumstances.

Senior living communities are a type of housing for the elderly. Especially those that provide independent living, assisted living, and memory care services to their residents. According to some estimates, up to 90 percent of those who relocate to these towns are single.

Date Ideas for Senior Couples That Are Fun

It is possible for couples to go on frequent dates in order to foster the development and growth of their senior romance. There is no shortage of excellent date ideas for seniors who like being in good company. Whether you're shopping for yourself or assisting a parent, consider one of the following date suggestions:

Take a break from work and eat somewhere nice. This may appear to be a stale and worn-out concept. By altering the menu, you can keep things interesting. Is it Indian or Thai? Greek? Vegetarian? Try a new restaurant for a change, and be adventurous by ordering something you've never tried before. Make a reservation at an elite restaurant for a special occasion. Keep some room in your stomach for dessert after dinner and request that your waitress deliver one dessert with two forks or spoons for sharing.

Participate in a dance lesson. Dancing may be a relaxing and enjoyable activity for seniors, whether it's a slow, romantic waltz or an upbeat jive. Dancing is a great way for seniors to stay active as an added plus. Is one of your partners confined to a wheelchair? Dancing may not be out of the question! Inquire with the local senior's association about wheelchair dancing courses and see if they are available. For those who find that dancing isn't their cup of tea, there are typically many other other types of classes to choose from. Joining a culinary, massage, or yoga session as a group is a great idea.

Take a drive in a vintage automobile that you have rented. When I was visiting my mother in Victoria, British Columbia, I decided to give it a shot. Mom used to drive a Volkswagen Beetle in her younger days, and she was quite attached to her "Bug." I was able to locate a local car rental firm that offers a number of these old automobiles for hire. The first few of times I utilized the stick shift, Mom and me had a nice chuckle. Then we had a great time driving about! Seniors could also rent various types of vehicles - is there a particular model of car that is still on their bucket list that they have yet to experience?

Take a bike for a ride. Alternatively, if driving a car proves to be too tough for elderly, they might rent bicycles. Cyclists can get in some good exercise while also exploring and taking in the sights at their own pace. Pack a picnic lunch and ride your bike to the local park. Locate a lovely parking area where you can sit back and relax. Revisit a familiar neighborhood from your childhood. Tandem bicycles are a good option for senior couples (or bicycles built for two). These bicycles can foster a sense of community and inspire cooperation among riders.

Play a game of mini-golf with your friends. Seniors may find it difficult to complete nine or 18 holes of standard golf in a reasonable amount of time (even with using a golf cart). Instead, play a round of mini-golf to burn off some energy. Mini-golfers just use one club, so you won't have to worry about finding a caddy.

Take a leisurely stroll through a farmer's market. Who doesn't appreciate the taste of freshly prepared food? Visiting merchants provide fresh produce to farmer's markets, which is typically picked that day! Seniors can wander around, try some samples, and purchase fresh fruit, veggies, and baked goods to take back to their homes with them.

Take a horseback riding excursion. If Queen Elizabeth (who is now in her 90s) can get on her horse and go for a ride, perhaps other older citizens would follow her lead! If you have a passion for horses but are unable to ride yourself, consider viewing a great horse movie such as Black Beauty or Seabiscuit.

Find something to do indoors. Shivering outside in freezing weather with a group of people may not be conducive to warm feelings at all! Go ice skating in an indoor arena, challenge a friend to a game of Scrabble (which is fantastic for keeping the brain working), get together for a hot chocolate, or curl up on the couch and watch a movie on Netflix (or all of the above).

What are the difficulties associated with dating in old age?

Safety. Unfortunately, elders can be easy prey for criminals and con artists who prey on them. Seniors who are passionate about their lives may be at most risk. A senior who is experiencing increased attraction and interest in a senior romance may put too much faith in the relationship and trust too soon. That senior citizen could be taken advantage of monetarily by someone else. Remain vigilant and on the lookout for danger.

Mindset that is no longer relevant. If you bring up the subject of elderly romance, you may encounter some opposition. Seniors may believe that they are "too old" to engage in flirtation and that it is "silly stuff." But, after all, why not? Never feel like you're too old to meet someone fresh and begin a love relationship with them. Seniors have a great deal more to contribute to a relationship than younger people. Seniors will have a better understanding of what they enjoy and don't like in a love companion. Seniors are also more steady in their lives. These are some extremely desirable characteristics to have!

Disapproval from the general public. Society can also be a major hindrance to a senior's romantic life. Although senior romance is not the norm, there is no reason to be discouraged. People have the right to be happy and loved at any stage of their lives. As soon as I see an older couple going down the street together, I grin and think to myself, "excellent for them!"

Suggestions for Maintaining a Successful Relationship

If you want to assist a senior romance blossom, I would give the same counsel I would give to a younger adult. The best relationships are built on the foundations of good old-fashioned communication, honesty, respect, mutual support, and a sense of humor. In light of their advanced ages, it's possible that seniors know a few more things about these characteristics than younger couples do.

As Adult Children, we need to know how to react to and support our parents' senior romance.

Adult children may be reluctant to accept the fact that their parents are pursuing a new senior relationship. Adult children may still be grieving the death of a mother or father and may not be ready to accept the fact that a surviving parent has passed away. All parties involved should proceed cautiously in this situation. Consider more casual group get-togethers as an alternative (e.g. family dinners). Family members might witness the elders interacting with one another and enjoying their company.

Romance is possible at any age, as evidenced by the examples above. In addition, knowing that you are never too old to discover love is reassuring.... or to find love once more.

Krees DG

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