A Complete Guide for Senior Dating

Read this guide to learn more about dating for seniors.

There has never been a better opportunity for adults over the age of 60 to experiment with online dating services. Take a look at the plethora of senior-specific online dating websites that have sprung up in recent years, and you'll see that there are far more options for connecting with a potential mate than through friends or relatives.

It's remarkable how many individuals you can meet when you're at the end of a long-term relationship, whether it's because of the loss of a partner or the dissolution of a marriage, says Shannon Lundgren, a professional matchmaker and the CEO of Shannon's Circle in San Francisco.

What Is Senior Dating and How Does It Work?
Senior dating is designed toward those over the age of 50 who have quite different needs—and interests—than singles under the age of 30. Examples include seniors looking for a potential spouse while others are merely interested in connecting with a buddy to attend events, go to dinner with, or spend evenings at the movies with them.

In Lundgren's opinion, "dating apps provide an almost overwhelming possibility to meet new individuals." The analogy I always use is that it's like throwing a bunch of fishing lines into an empty pond. You don't know which line will be the most effective, so you put it out there anyhow. To consider all of the possibilities is a thrilling experience."

Senior dating has a number of health benefits.
There's no doubting the necessity of having a good friend or two. As a matter of fact, various studies have demonstrated the positive effects that partnerships can have on a person's general health and well-being. Here are a few things to think about:

You have the ability to assist your heart. An article released in a National Institutes of Health newsletter in 2017 shows that strong social ties (such as those created in dating and romantic relationships) may be beneficial in reducing stress and heart health-related disorders.

You have the ability to live longer. In a 2010 study published in the Annals of Behavioral Medicine, researchers confirmed the beneficial effects of stable social environments, notably noting that loneliness can result in increased morbidity and mortality.
You'll be better for your general health as a result of this. According to the Harvard Second Generation Study, how happy people are in their relationships has a significant impact on their health and can even aid to delay the onset of mental and physical deterioration in some individuals.

What Is the Process of Online Dating for Seniors?
Older individuals will have no trouble finding websites that cater to their specific age group. For example, sites such as Silver Singles are exclusively for adults over the age of 50. These are some of the other prominent senior dating sites:

OurTime (for those above the age of 50)
OkCupid Tinder Bumble Plenty of Fish Hinge Match OkCupid Tinder Bumble Plenty of Fish
A senior dating site normally requires you to register using your email address if you're interested in participating. Depending on the situation, you may be requested to complete an in-depth personality exam or to select interest filters such as "mature dating," "gay senior dating," or "older ladies dating." After that, you're frequently prompted to add a photograph of yourself.

Once you have completed your profile, you will begin to receive local matches. (Each dating service has its own algorithm, which is designed to assist you in meeting possible partners.) When you find a match on a dating service, many of them allow you to communicate with them discreetly using an online message option.

What to Look for When Joining a Senior Dating Website
Most dating websites for older adults offer the following characteristics, which you can find on most of them:

A Questionnaire is a type of survey.
Depending on the site, you may be required to complete a questionnaire in order to limit the pool of potential matches. The survey could be a simple fill-in-the-blank questionnaire, or it could be a multiple-choice "quiz" that helps to clarify your preferences in a romantic partner. Questions on your body type, education level, smoking and drinking habits, religious beliefs and practices, hobbies, political views, and match preferences are frequently asked, and they include information about your height, marital status, education, and other factors.

A Detailed Description
Your profile provides you with the opportunity to express your distinct personality. Different fields can be filled out depending on the website, such as your interests and preferences in potential companions, and they can be customized. Make sure to include specifics about yourself in your profile, but avoid disclosing too much personal information in your profile as well.

Privacy and security features are included.
Reputable dating services are transparent about the measures they've taken to protect your personal information and keep you secure while you're using their service. Seek out terms such as "encryption" (which encrypts messages so that they can only be read by the sender and recipient), "scam detection" (which detects potential fraud such as phony profiles and stolen photographs), and "sex offender checks" to see whether they apply. It's important to understand that not all free dating sites conduct criminal background checks on its members.

The cost of meeting a possible match varies depending on the dating site used to find them. While Silver Singles offers a free basic membership, you can upgrade to a premium membership that gives you unrestricted access to all profiles as well as the ability to construct a more thorough profile for a little additional charge. Pricing structures differ from one location to the next.

Communication and collaboration are essential.
It's possible to start interacting with potential matches when you've completed your profile set up and uploaded a photo. The methods available for accomplishing this are numerous, but they frequently involve messaging within the app or website itself, as well as the opportunity to make voice and video conversations.

The Site's Network is comprised of
Before you sign up for a website, do some preliminary investigation. In addition, most dating websites will disclose their total number of active members on their website, and they should be able to explain the mechanism by which they match you with people in your local area.

Advantages that are not listed above
As well as introducing you to potential mates, some websites provide additional services such as a professional matchmaker who can identify matches for you, a dating concierge who can assist you in planning dates, and invitations to exclusive events for members only. These add-ons, on the other hand, may come at an additional expense to the customer.

Keep an eye out for dating scams.
Paul Bischoff, a consumer privacy specialist at Comparitech, a cybersecurity information website, says there are some frequent, widely-reported senior dating scams to be aware of. It's common for them to begin with "love bombing," in which a fraudster lavishes you with attention. Once they have you in their clutches, they may begin to demand money or personal information from you that you should not divulge.

Scammers target seniors because they have a lot of money and high credit, which makes them a valuable target. "Seniors are particularly vulnerable to these frauds," says Bischoff. Those who are socially isolated are less likely to report a crime or seek assistance from a close friend or family member.

Keep an eye out for red flags such as the following:

Being approached and solicited for money.
Being notified of one's financial difficulties by the other person.
When you are asked to share a compromising photo, it might be intimidating.
You've been urged to invest in a make-rich-quick scam.
Tips for Dating in a Safe Environment
Enjoy yourself while you're out senior dating, but keep your safety in mind as well. No matter how great a person appears to be on the internet, keep in mind that you are conversing with a stranger until you have the opportunity to meet in person and get to know them better. Here are a couple of great suggestions to keep you safe while you're playing.

Join a trustworthy online dating service or website. Before you sign up for any dating service, ask your friends for their recommendations and pay close attention to what they have to say about it. According to Lundgren, you may check with the Better Business Bureau to determine if they're accredited and whether or not they've had any complaints made against them. "It's always a good idea to double-check a website's security to ensure that your personal information is not at risk. You can look for a lock icon in your browser's toolbar. You should not enter your personal information if you see a notice stating that your information is not private or safe."

Don't include any other personal information. According to Lundgren, it is critical to maintaining your anonymity. Avoid disclosing your last name, town or city, where you work, personal data about yourself (such as volunteer or alumni organizations you're interested in), as well as your email address and phone number, among other things. "Don't forget—you don't want to disclose the names of your children, either," Lundgren emphasizes. "It's really crucial to safeguard the identities of your family as well."

Make yourself ready for the initial talk. The fact that you are communicating solely through an app or website ensures that you have a clear record of all of your communications, which is beneficial in the event that you need to report a problem. This is according to Amber Artis, a certified matchmaker and relationship expert and the CEO of Select Date Society. If you're ready to talk on the phone, consider using Skype or creating a new email address specifically for dating that doesn't include your complete name in the subject line. The use of safe methods of communication with possible dates allows you to establish that the individual is not using fictitious images or information about themselves.

Inform your friends and family members that you'll be out on a date soon. According to Artis, you should always tell a close friend, colleague, or family member when you're meeting someone new. According to her, "share your location with them on your phone and be sure to check in with them before, during, and after the date."

Always arrange to meet in a public place. It doesn't matter how comfortable you are with someone or how much connection you have with them; meeting in public, especially when meeting for the first time, is extremely crucial, according to Artis. "Do not go to their home or invite them to your home until you are completely comfortable with them," she advises. Then you should have multiple in-person dates in a public setting, according to the experts.

Never send money to somebody without their permission. According to Artis, anyone who asks for money or claims to be suffering financial difficulties is raising a huge red flag. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, this occurs frequently, and the majority of victims of romantic scams are women over the age of 50, according to the FBI. "It's likely that this somebody is attempting to defraud you," she says. "I strongly advise everyone to exercise their best judgment and to follow their intuition." If you have a gut sense that this individual isn't who they claim to be, listen to your intuition."

Krees DG

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