Low Maintenance Plants For Indoor Gardening

Not only does gardening help with mobile dexterity, but it is also shown to alleviate anxiety and improve mood, among other health benefits.

For older adults who fancy gardening but don't have ample space, no worries you don't need an outdoor garden plot. Seniors who live in apartment units, senior living facilities can still do gardening in the comforts of their own space. Gardening is such a worthwhile activity as it can assist with the melancholy, stress, and loneliness caused by isolation. This kind of activity is also found to lessen the development of dementia.

Here are a few simple indoor plants to care for.


Rubber Plant: Indoor Care amp; Growing Guide


You should get a younger Rubber plant that can develop and mature in your house as it becomes accustomed to its surroundings. Purchasing one that is already grown may not do well in your house because it is unfamiliar with your surroundings. Rubber plants want strong light that is indirect and not too hot. It's ideal to place it near a window with sheers or curtains to screen some of the light that enters. These plants also require a healthy water balance. Don't drown them in water. Their leaves will become brown and yellow, then fall off, as a result of this. Water it until you see water come out of the bottom, then stop.

Also, do not allow the plant to sit in this water at the bottom since this can promote root rot. Watering should be reduced to once or twice a month during the dormancy period, which lasts from fall until spring. Every few weeks, you should also clean the leaves off with a moist towel.


Money Plant: How To Grow, Care and Benefits – PlantDecors Blog


The Money Plant comes in a variety of colors and patterns, ranging from silver to light or dark green, patterned to almost totally white. It grows quite quickly and removes pollutants from the air via the stomata of its leaves. As a consequence, it not only beautifies your house, but it also enhances the quality of the air you breathe! Money Plants are also great for propagating new plants and cutting offspring.
The Money Plant does not enjoy direct sunshine, but it does require light. If you place it directly in front of a window, the leaves may turn brown. Water only once every ten days or when the leaves begin to roll up! 


Coffee Plants for Sale – FastGrowingTrees.com

Are you a coffee aficionado? As it is a member of the coffee family, this plant is your buddy.

The Coffea arabica may grow to be around 1.5 meters tall as a houseplant. They have glossy dark green leaves that are oval in shape and taper to a point at the end. It produces gorgeous white flowers and fruits that turn green at first, then crimson, then black. Depending on the season, this plant will provide a splash of color to your house! The coffee plant has to be in a bright spot, but it doesn't appreciate direct sunshine. Make sure the soil is constantly slightly damp and never entirely dry with this plant!


How To Care For A Ponytail Palm Indoors - Smart Garden Guide


When it comes to watering Ponytail Palms, keep the soil as dry as possible. From spring until fall, you should water the plant whenever the soil surface becomes dry. During the winter, you simply need to water these plants on occasion. You'll need to feed the plant every few months, and throughout the summer, it's ideal to relocate it near brighter windows and doors. This plant has quickly become one of the most popular home plants due to its ease of maintenance.


Weeping Fig (Ficus): Plant Care amp; Growing Guide


The Ficus is another low-maintenance plant. Given that the ficus is native to the subtropical climate, it's no surprise that it enjoys high humidity and lots of light! The quick development of this plant is notable; its leaves are small and vary in color depending on the ficus species; the trunk diameter is exceptionally small, reaching a maximum of 50 centimeters; and the ficus itself may reach a height of 10 meters! But don't worry, most houseplants won't become that big!




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