The Blue Zones' Secret to Long Life: Okinawa

Learn the factors of how Okinawans live a long and healthy life.

Who doesn't wish to live a long and healthy life?

When we reach the age of 50 or 60, we frequently consider how to live longer and keep a healthy lifestyle. This is when the 'blue zones' come into inspiration.

The phrase "blue zones" refers to geographical areas that are home to some of the world's oldest individuals. These zones include Sardinia in Italy, the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica, Icaria in Greece, and Okinawa Island in Japan.

Okinawa is notable for having the world's longest life expectancy. In this article, we will look at some of the likely reasons why many inhabitants on the island can live to be over a hundred years old.



The biggest distinction between Okinawa and mainland Japan, according to Dr. Craig Willcox, an Okinawan professor of public health, is their food. In Okinawa, sweet potato is the primary diet, but rice is the primary food on the mainland. He also stated that the typical Okinawan diet is high in nutrients but low in calories.



They also consume a lot of seaweed 'Mozuku' on the island, which aids in the absorption of pylori bacteria in the stomach. The bacterium in question is thought to be one of the leading causes of stomach cancer.

Bitter Melon meals are particularly popular in the area, and they have most likely perfected all of the recipes for this produce.

And like the rest of Japan, Okinawans serve miso, but the island has retained the ancient traditional method of producing it. Miso, a world superfood, can decrease blood pressure and is high in amino acids, which aid in cell repair and healing.



The islanders live in a slow-paced, happy-go-lucky, and cheerful manner, as one would expect of individuals living on an island. Nankurunaisa is a known phrase that means  'Whatever happens, happens' so there is not much stress among the islanders.  They also have an extensive social network and are physically active throughout their lives.


One of the reasons why Okinawans enjoy life might be due to their genetic ancestry. It is thought that one's food can alter one's DNA hence, they have this hereditary gene of living longer, thanks to their ancestors.


They also believed in the Okinawan proverb 'Harahachibu,' which means to "push yourself away from the table when you're almost full." This is to keep you from consuming too many calories. Dr. Craig claims that the Okinawans adopt a calorie restriction strategy that activates longevity genes.



Even though Okinawans are known for their leisurely pace of life, it is not customary for them to take things easy. A lot of individuals are usually doing something at all times of the day. This Japanese martial art is an example of how the island takes pride in physical activity.

Apart from being known for its longevity, Okinawa is also known for Karate, a type of martial art that started in the 17th century. The art of the fist and hand is now recognized across the world.








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