Let's Keep that Body Fit with Zumba

Try these fun dance exercise from Colombia.

What is Zumba?

Zumba choreography is composed using all or some of the sixteen core steps. There are four basic rhythms: salsareggaetonmerengue and cumbia,[12] and each basic rhythm has four core step.


What are the benefits of Zumba?

It's entertaining. You're more likely to persist with your fitness program if you love it. Many people claim that they have so much fun dancing that they forget they're working out.

Improves the health of your heart. You receive anaerobic advantages as well as aerobic ones (it really gets your heart rate up), which help you maintain a healthy cardiovascular and respiratory system.

Coordination is improved. Because your arms and legs are moving in different directions in Zumba, it necessitates a high level of coordination. Coordination improves with repetition, and you'll feel more at ease using your body.

It makes you feel good. Endorphins are released when you exercise, and they cause happy sensations to spread throughout your body.


Where can I do Zumba?

The benefit of this dance workout is that it can be done anywhere there is enough space to move around. A large enough area so you won't knock over any furniture or shatter any costly china while doing the exercises. The majority of individuals perform it at a dance studio with other dancers and a Zumba choreographer. Some people can do it in a public space, such as a park. However, if you are concerned about being unable to go out due to Covid-19, you may always attempt Zumba at home.


Remember that this dance routine may be performed by persons of all ages. Just make sure the Zumba class you're going to is appropriate for your group. Drastic movements may aggravate a person's illness rather than providing the majority of the exercise's benefits.

Here's a video of a zumba instructor teaching beginners and elders alike the fundamentals of the dance.



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