Korean expressions to use when shopping

Make sure to familiarize yourself with these expressions before your next shopping spree in South Korea!

South Korea is referred to by many as a shopping paradise. Whether you are looking for clothes, cosmetics, household items, or even electronics, we are sure you will find exactly what you are looking for here. 


Before you start your shopping spree, here are some expressions that you can arm yourself with for a smoother experience. 


1. IGO OLMAEYO? (이거 얼마예요?) 


This translates to "How much is this?" 


Got your eye on an item, but there's no price tag? Get the shopkeeper's attention and use this expression.  


2. KKAKKA JUSEYO (깎아 주세요.)


Speaking of discounts, this expression means "Please give me a discount." 


This usually works in small stalls found in the streets. If you're a student, you can also add "Haksaeng ieyo"(학생이에요.) to this expression. They usually give special consideration to students who aren't earning yet. 


3. _____ ISSEOYO? ( ____ 있어요?)


This translates to "Do you have ____?"


To check if they have what you want in stock, you can use this expression. 


4. IGEO JUSEYO (이거 주세요.)


Say you're done choosing what you want to buy; you can say this expression. It means "Please give me this". 


To break it down simply, "igeo" (이거) here means "this". While "juseyo" ( 주세요) translates to "please give me". 


Although most shopkeepers are familiar with English expressions used by foreigners, Koreans appreciate it a lot when you try conversing with them in their language. They like the initiative and effort to try to connect with them. 


So the next time you go shopping in Korea, make sure to apply these expressions!

Christine Morales

22 Magazine posts
