Insights on love and relationships from Sweet and Sour

Here’s what you'll learn after watching it

Romance is such a popular genre in the film industry, which is why there are plenty of swoon-worthy K-Dramas and movies you can watch. There's a good reason why romcoms are still here to stay. 


The movie Sweet and Sour will teach you plenty of things about love and relationships. The film, directed by Lee Gye-Byeok, is about two people in a long-distance relationship. It stars Jang Ki-Yong (The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos), Chae Soo-Bin (I'm Not a Robot), and idol-turned-actress Krystal Jung.


If you're looking for something fun to watch that will teach you a lot, look no further. Here’s what you'll learn about love from Sweet and Sour. 


1. Consistency is important

At the beginning of a new relationship, everything feels like butterflies and rainbows. You and your partner may bend over backward for each other. The honeymoon stage often lasts six months to two years, but it’s different for every couple. In the movie, a young engineer named Hyuk (Jang Ki-Yong) is dating Da-eun (Chae Soo-Bin), who is a nurse.


At the beginning of their relationship, they have a routine: Hyuk will take out the trash when he leaves for work, then they’d spend Da-eun’s breaks together. He’d always pick her up from work and take her out. Aside from that, everything goes fine for them at first. They already know each other's quirks and flaws, and since they live under the same roof, that also helps them stay in sync.


Consistency is important in every relationship since it help couples have a sense of commitment and accountability to one another. Stability helps a couple have a sense of assurance despite the highs and lows of being in a relationship.


2. Allow the other person to grow

When Hyuk received an offer to be transferred to a large corporation in Seoul on a contractual basis, his superior convinced him to take it. However, the long commute from Incheon to Seoul turned what he and Da-eun had into a long-distance relationship (LDR).

Da-eun hesitated at first because of the setup. She knew an LDR would be challenging, but eventually, she supported Hyuk’s career move. She realized that if Hyuk were to be absorbed by the company, he’d get a permanent position which would benefit them both in the long run.


3. Long-distance relationships are not for the faint-hearted

Studies have shown that the percentage of success of long-distance relationships is about 58 percent. It depends on the strength of both parties’ love for each other. Hyuk and Da-eun struggled to adjust, but they made it work. Hyuk did his best to commute until his workload became too much, and Da-eun tried to be understanding every time he couldn't make it home.


4. Temptation is everywhere

At first, Hyuk was open about his struggles at work, especially about his competitor, Bo-yeong (Krystal Jung), who did her best to undermine his career. 


Eventually, the romantic and sexual tension between them came to a head. Hyuk started to catch feelings for Bo-yeong, although he wanted to stay committed to Da-eun. Still, he was beginning to drift away from her. Whenever Hyuk would feel tempted by Bo-yeong's sly advances, he would scramble home to keep her at bay. When you’re in an LDR, you’re vulnerable to temptation. Do your best to avoid it if you don’t want to ruin your current relationship.


5. Show up for your partner

It's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of daily life when you’re in an LDR. Most of the time, couples find it hard to keep up with their partner's happenings when they're exhausted from their commitments. Showing up for your partner can make all the difference. Don’t be like Hyuk, who always prioritized other things instead of Da-eun, making her feel lonely and unappreciated. 


6. Improve your communication skills

Long-distance relationships depend on communication because that’s how two people stay on the same page even if they're apart. Unfortunately, Hyuk tends to lie about his whereabouts, especially when he’s hanging out with Bo-yeong.


During an argument with Da-Eun, he blurted out Bo-yeong’s name, making the former think he is cheating since they're not communicating correctly. Da-eun expressed her frustrations, saying that while she always carves out time for Hyuk whenever he's around, he failed to recognize her needs. That caused them to drift apart.


7. Don't go to bed angry

It can be challenging to make up after a fight if you have a long-distance relationship. What usually happens is that both parties will let pride conquer the relationship, which will destroy it. In Hyuk’s case, he finally succumbed to his feelings and had an affair with Bo-yeong.

8. Once you lose a person, that’s it

Spoiler alert: Hyuk and Da-eun's relationship eventually ended. Although Hyuk realized that he still loves her, that realization came too late since she had already moved on. As the saying goes, you don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone.


Sweet and Sour is a romantic comedy that’s jam-packed with love and relationship lessons. If you’ve ever been in a long-distance relationship, you’ll surely relate to this film. So why don't you give it a shot?

Nicole Marie Valdez

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