Miyawaki Sakura to finally return to S. Korea for post-IZ*ONE work

Her contract with HYBE Labels has reportedly been signed, sealed, and delivered.

According to the Japanese entertainment media, Miyawaki Sakura is set to return to South Korea soon.


The former IZ*ONE member was supposed to board a flight to Incheon International Airport last August 23, but due to a scheduling snafu, she will now leave Japan four days later. Sakura’s rescheduled flight will land in South Korea on August 27 at 5:30 PM.


Sakura is reportedly going to begin her post-IZ*ONE activities in South Korea. Nothing has been confirmed, but rumors are rife that she signed a contract with HYBE Labels and will debut in the HYBE x Source Music collaboration girl group. IZ*ONE alum Kim Chaewon and another, as-yet unnamed former member of the group Mnet formed through Produce 48 will supposedly join her.


Her return took this long to happen because HYBE Labels reportedly had a little trouble getting in touch with Vernalossom, her Japanese agency. But now that everything appears to have been ironed out, Sakura is one step closer to making a K-Pop comeback.


After IZ*ONE disbanded in April, Sakura returned to Japan, where she resumed promoting as a member of HKT48 until June, when she officially graduated from the group. Since then Sakura has appeared in magazines, resumed posting on her gaming YouTube channel, and started a personal channel as well. She has also become a brand ambassador for Kerastase and Flower Knows.


She even did some songwriting while she was back in Japan. Sakura and her best friend from HKT48, Murashige Anna, collaborated on a coupling song for the new single of idol group =LOVE. The group is produced by a former HKT48 member named Sashihara Rino, who happens to be one of Sakura’s closest friends.


Sakura began contributing to IZ*ONE’s discography in 2019, when she worked on “Love Bubble” for the physical release (Type A) of the group’s “Vampire” single. Since then she has co-written four more IZ*ONE hits.


Since HYBE Labels has a history of encouraging its artists to write their own songs, maybe Sakura will get more opportunities to flex her creative muscles once she debuts in the agency’s upcoming girl group!

Juan Leonardo Mauricio

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