Why you should stan Hongseok of PENTAGON

There’s a lot to love about the Cube Entertainment artist.

PENTAGON’s Hongseok is known for his visuals, but there’s more to him than his good looks. Here’s why this guy deserves a special place in your heart.



1. He’s multilingual

Hongseok was born in Seoul, but he has lived in China, Singapore, and the US—specifically Madison, Wisconsin, and San Diego, California. He spent a total of 11 years on foreign soil. Aside from his native Korean, he’s very fluent in Chinese and English. If you speak any of those three languages, you won’t have trouble communicating with him.


2. He’s good at what he does—and then some

Hongseok started out as the lead vocalist of PENTAGON, but he became the main vocalist when Jinho enlisted in the military. But Hongseok isn’t just a good singer. He’s can also groove with the best of them—and his dancing skills aren’t limited to his group’s routines. He’s also good at girl group dances. He can do IOI’s “Very Very Very,” Red Velvet’s “Ice Cream Cake,” and MOMOLAND’s “I’m So Hot,” to name a few.


Watch him destroy his bandmate Kino in a girl group dance off on Arirang TV below.



3. He supports worthy causes

Hongseok took part in the 2019 Miracle365 x Ice Bucket Challenge Run on June 29, 2019 in Dongjak-gu, Seoul. It was organized by the Seungil Hope Foundation to raise awareness for the neuromuscular disease ALS. Because of his efforts—and the efforts of everyone who participated alongside him—the event raised 42 million won. All of that went towards building Lou Gehrig’s Nursing Hospital in South Korea.


4. He’s a good cook

The other members of PENTAGON all say he’s the best at cooking, which is why they gave him the nickname “home mom.” If the way to your heart is through your stomach, Hongseok is definitely the man for you.



5. He has chocolate abs

Finally, you can’t write about Hongseok without mentioning his visuals, so here goes. He’s definitely one of the most handsome, sexiest guys in the industry. His 2019 and 2020 appearances on the cover of Men’s Health Korea are still seared into the hearts and minds of his fans.


Juan Leonardo Mauricio

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