How to Hide Prices in Magento 2 Store with an Extension

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of hiding prices in your Magento 2 store using a specialized extension, ensuring that your store operates according to your unique business requirements.

In certain eCommerce scenarios, you may want to hide product prices from your Magento 2 store visitors. There are many reasons for this, such as encouraging customer engagement, requiring users to log in to see prices, or running a wholesale store where pricing depends on negotiations. Whatever the case may be, Magento 2 allows you to easily hide prices with the help of extensions.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the process of hiding prices in your Magento 2 store using a specialized extension, ensuring that your store operates according to your unique business requirements.

Why Hide Prices in a Magento 2 Store?

Here are a few common scenarios where hiding prices might be beneficial:

  1. B2B or Wholesale Stores: For wholesale businesses, prices often vary depending on the volume of the order, the customer’s location, or other factors. Hiding prices and requiring customers to contact your sales team can be a strategic move.
  2. Login-Only Pricing: Some stores offer special pricing or discounts only to registered or logged-in users. Hiding prices from guest visitors is a common practice in this scenario.
  3. Custom Quotes: If your products require customization or quoting, you may want customers to request a quote instead of seeing fixed prices.
  4. Promotions and Sales Strategies: Hiding prices during certain promotional events can create a sense of exclusivity or encourage users to engage with your store in different ways.

Let’s dive into how to achieve this with an extension.

Step-by-Step Guide to Hiding Prices in Magento 2 with an Extension

Step 1: Choose the Right Extension

There are several Magento 2 extensions available to help you hide product prices. These extensions often come with additional features like restricting prices for certain customer groups, showing a "Call for Price" message instead of the price, or requiring login to view prices.

Choose an extension based on your specific requirements. For instance, if you only want to hide prices for non-logged-in users, a simple extension will suffice. However, if you need more control over which products, categories, or customer groups can see prices, opt for a more advanced extension.

Step 2: Install the Extension

Once you’ve selected the appropriate extension, you can install it on your Magento 2 store. The installation process typically involves the following steps:

  1. Download the Extension: Purchase or download the extension from the Magento Marketplace or the provider's website.
  2. Install via Admin or Composer: You can install the extension through your Magento Admin panel or via Composer. For Composer installation, use the commands provided by the extension vendor.
  3. Run Installation Commands: After installation, run the following commands in your Magento 2 root directory to complete the process:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

php bin/magento setup:di:compile

php bin/magento cache:flush

  1. Verify Installation: After installing and running the necessary commands, ensure the extension appears in your Magento Admin panel under Stores Configuration or in a new menu section specific to the extension.

Step 3: Configure the Hide Price Extension

Once the extension is installed, you can configure it to hide prices according to your business needs. Let’s go through some common configuration options.

  1. Access the Configuration Settings:
    • Log in to your Magento Admin panel.
    • Navigate to Stores Configuration and find the extension settings under the Catalog or Sales section, depending on the extension you are using.
  2. Choose When to Hide Prices:
    • Hide Prices for Guest Users: One of the most common use cases is to hide prices from non-logged-in users. Simply toggle this option on if your extension supports it.
    • Hide Prices for Specific Customer Groups: If you want to restrict prices for certain customer groups (e.g., retail customers, wholesale customers), configure the settings to hide prices only for selected groups.
    • Hide Prices for Specific Products or Categories: Some extensions allow you to hide prices only for specific products or entire categories. This is useful if only certain items require custom quotes or negotiation.
  3. Set Custom Messages:
    • Many extensions allow you to display custom messages in place of the price, such as "Call for Price" or "Request a Quote." You can typically customize this message for different products, categories, or customer groups.
    • You can also configure buttons or links that encourage customers to contact your sales team, request a quote, or log in to see prices.
  4. Additional Settings:
    • Show Add to Cart Button: Decide whether you want to show or hide the "Add to Cart" button when prices are hidden. For example, if customers need to request a quote, you may want to hide the "Add to Cart" button and replace it with a "Request a Quote" button.
    • Customize Display Options: Some extensions provide additional customization options, such as choosing how and where to display hidden price messages (e.g., on product pages, category pages, or both).

Step 4: Test Your Configuration

After configuring the extension, it’s crucial to test how it works on your store to ensure that the prices are being hidden as expected.

  1. Test as a Guest User: Open your store in an incognito browser window to see how it appears to non-logged-in users. Ensure that prices are hidden and the correct custom message is displayed.
  2. Test Different Customer Groups: If you’ve configured the extension to hide prices for specific customer groups, log in with a test account for each group and verify the settings.
  3. Test Specific Products and Categories: Navigate to the products or categories where prices should be hidden and make sure the configuration works as intended.

Step 5: Monitor and Adjust Settings

Once the extension is live, monitor your store to ensure that it’s functioning correctly. If you encounter any issues or need to make adjustments, return to the extension’s configuration settings in the Magento Admin panel. You can fine-tune the settings based on user feedback or any changes in your business needs.

Bonus Tip: Use with "Request a Quote" Extensions

If you’re running a wholesale or B2B store where prices vary based on negotiations, combining a "Hide Price" extension with a "Request a Quote" extension can be a powerful solution. This setup allows you to hide prices while enabling customers to request quotes for specific products, ensuring that your sales process remains flexible and personalized.

Many "Hide Price" extensions are compatible with "Request a Quote" extensions, enabling seamless integration.


Hiding prices in your Magento 2 store is a strategic move for certain types of businesses, especially in B2B and wholesale industries. With the right extension, you can easily control who can see prices, customize the display messages, and create a seamless experience for your customers.

By following the steps outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to set up and configure a "Hide Price" extension to meet your business’s unique needs. As always, remember to test your configuration thoroughly and make adjustments as necessary to ensure everything runs smoothly.

With your prices hidden, you can encourage customer engagement, build trust, and manage your sales process more effectively.

Rakesh Panchal

17 Magazine posts
