Park Seojoon's Asian Hero Character Teased by Marvel

Looks like the rumors are slowly coming true!

Park Seojoon's Asian hero character rumors are slowly taking shape as Marvel released hints on his character in the upcoming movie, Captain Marvel 2.

Last month, several Korean news outlets have released news that Park Seojoon is in heavy consideration for a role in the upcoming Marvel film. Recently, Sports Seoul has said that the casting for Park Seojoon is underway. What's more exciting is that IMDB, the largest movie database in the United States, has listed his name as a cast member along with stars like Brie Larson, Teyona Faris, and Jawe Ashton in the official page for the movie.

Screenrant, another American film-based website, has shared more hints on his character in Captain Marvel 2. They added that he could be the face of the new fourth superhero in the movie. Even though nothing has been declared officially, Screenrant speculated that Park Seojoon might play the role of Amadeus Cho, a Korean-American boy who has the potential to be both the main hero and the villain in the film. Amadeus Cho is also seen as the Hulk's sidekick, and Amadeus's mom in the comics is known as the most successful sidekick of Asian origins in the franchise.

Awesome Entertainment, Park Seojoon's agency, has refused to give further comments on the said topic.

We wish him all the best should this become a reality!

Krees DG

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