Which Champion is Better for Top Lane in Patch 14.14: Pantheon or Jayce?

League of Legends is a dynamic multiplayer online battle arena game where players compete in fast-paced, strategic combat to destroy the opposing team's Nexus.

League of Legends Game Modes: An In-Depth Look at Pantheon and Jayce in Patch 14.14
Overview of Game Modes
Summoner’s Rift: The primary game mode where two teams of five players compete to destroy the enemy’s Nexus. This mode involves strategic learning, team fights, and objective control.

ARAM (All Random All Mid): A fun, fast-paced mode where players receive random champions and battle it out on the single-lane map, Howling Abyss.

Teamfight Tactics: A strategic auto-battler mode where players build teams of champions to battle against each other.

URF (Ultra Rapid Fire): A special mode where abilities have significantly reduced cooldowns, leading to chaotic and fast-paced gameplay. When you embark on your journey, mmowow gold can lend a helping hand when you need help.

Champion Roles and Performance in Patch 14.14
Pantheon: Pantheon excels as a versatile top laner with strong early-game dominance and map presence. In Patch 14.14, Pantheon has seen slight adjustments to his damage output and cooldowns, making him a formidable pick for players who enjoy aggressive playstyles and roaming.

Jayce: Jayce is a potent top laner known for his poke and burst damage. Patch 14.14 has brought some balance changes to his abilities, ensuring that he remains a viable and strong pick in both solo queue and competitive play. Jayce’s versatility allows him to adapt to various team compositions and strategies.

Detailed Skill Analysis and Ability Maxing Order

Passive – Mortal Will: Every five spells or attacks, Pantheon's next ability is empowered.
Q – Comet Spear: Throws a spear, dealing damage. The empowered version deals increased damage and is slow.
W – Shield Vault: Leaps to an enemy, stunning and dealing damage. The empowered version attacks three times.
E – Aegis Assault: Blocks incoming damage and strikes forward. The empowered version increases duration.
R – Grand Starfall: Leaps into the air and crashes down at a target location, dealing damage.
Skill Maxing Order: Start with Q for poke and farming, then W for crowd control, and E for damage mitigation.


Passive – Hextech Capacitor: Gains a speed boost after switching stances.
Q – To the Skies!/Shock Blast: Jumps on an enemy, dealing damage (melee). Fires an orb of electricity (ranged).
W – Lightning Field/Hyper Charge: Deals AoE damage (melee). Increases attack speed (ranged).
E – Thundering Blow/Acceleration Gate: Knocks back an enemy (melee). Boosts movement speed of allies and increases Q range and damage (ranged).
R – Mercury Cannon/Mercury Hammer: Switches between melee and ranged forms.
Skill Maxing Order: Prioritize Q for poke and burst damage, then W for additional damage output, and E for utility.

Rune Choices and Explanations

Primary Path: Precision
Keystone: Conqueror – Increases sustain and damage during extended trades.
Triumph: Provides healing on kills.
Legend: Tenacity: Reduces crowd control effects.
Last Stand: Increases damage when low on health.
Secondary Path: Resolve
Second Wind: Increases sustain during the laning phase.
Overgrowth: Provides additional health for late-game survivability.

Primary Path: Sorcery
Keystone: Phase Rush – Provides increased mobility for kiting and engaging.
Manaflow Band: Increases mana sustain.
Transcendence: Grants cooldown reduction.
Scorch: Adds extra poke damage.
Secondary Path: Inspiration
Biscuit Delivery: Improves sustain in lane.
Time Warp Tonic: Enhances the effects of potions and biscuits.
Item Builds and Their Justifications

Core Items:
Eclipse: Enhances burst damage and sustain through shield and lethality.
Black Cleaver: Reduces enemy armor and provides health and cooldown reduction.
Sterak's Gage: Increases survivability with a shield and additional health.
Situational Items:
Guardian Angel: Provides a revive mechanic.
Maw of Malmortius: Counters magic damage.
Death's Dance: Offers healing and damage mitigation.

Core Items:
Eclipse: Boosts burst damage and sustain.
Muramana: Increases mana and attack damage, enhancing poke.
Youmuu’s Ghostblade: Provides lethality and mobility.
Situational Items:
Edge of Night: Grants a spell shield.
Lord Dominik's Regards: Counters tanky champions.
Serpent’s Fang: Reduces enemy shields.
Champion Characteristics and Gameplay Techniques

Early Game: Dominates with aggressive trades and roams. Utilize Q for poke and W for engage. Maximize pressure on the lane and roam with R to assist other lanes.
Mid Game: Focus on skirmishes and objective control. Use E to block damage and R to engage or peel for teammates.
Late Game: Serve as a frontline and engage initiator. Combine abilities for optimal crowd control and damage.

Early Game: Harass and poke with ranged Q and E. Utilize melee form for all-in trades. Switch stances to optimize damage and mobility.
Mid Game: Excel in skirmishes and objective control. Use ranged poke to soften enemies before engaging. Coordinate with the team for optimal damage output.
Late Game: Act as a secondary engage and backline threat. Utilize poke to whittle down enemies and switch forms for burst damage in fights.

Team Composition Recommendations

Strong Engage Comp: Combines well with champions like Leona and Sejuani who can follow up on his engages.
Scaling Comp: Pantheon can provide early-game pressure to allow scaling champions like Vayne and Kassadin to reach their power spikes.
Personal Skill Comp: Pairs well with high-damage champions like Yasuo and Diana who benefit from his crowd control and damage. However, when some players explore further and become familiar with heroes, some will buy League of Legends accounts from a safe and reliable supplier.

Strong Engage Comp: Functions well with champions like Malphite and Orianna who can capitalize on his poke and follow up with engages.
Scaling Comp: Jayce provides mid-game power to bridge the gap for late-game carries like Kog’Maw and Kayle.
Personal Skill Comp: Works effectively with poke compositions involving champions like Ziggs and Varus to maximize long-range damage.
Conclusion: Pantheon vs. Jayce for Climbing in Solo Queue
While Pantheon offers strong early-game dominance and reliable engages, Jayce provides a versatile and adaptable playstyle with high burst damage and poke potential. Jayce's ability to impact both the laning phase and team fights makes him a more consistent and rewarding choice for players looking to climb in a solo queue. His skill ceiling allows for continuous improvement, making him a recommended pick for long-term play.

Laning Against Yasuo: Strategies for Pantheon and Jayce in Early, Mid, and Late Game
Early Game Strategies

In the early game, Pantheon excels at bullying Yasuo with his strong level 1-3 power spike. Utilize Q - Comet Spear to poke Yasuo from a distance and W - Shield Vault to engage and stun him. Yasuo’s passive shield and E - E-E-Sweeping Blade dash can make him slippery, so try to time your stuns and engage when his shield is down. Control the wave to set up for level 2 all-ins, and always keep an eye on Yasuo’s positioning to deny him farm and experience.


Jayce’s range advantage in the early game allows him to harass Yasuo effectively. Use Q - Shock Blast combined with E - Acceleration Gate to poke Yasuo from a distance. When Yasuo attempts to engage with his E- - Sweeping Blade, switch to hammer form and use Q - To the Skies! to jump on him, followed by E- - Thundering Blow to knock him back. Manage your mana efficiently and try to keep Yasuo pressured under his turret, limiting his ability to dash around minions.

Mid Game Strategies

As the game transitions into the mid-game, Pantheon’s power lies in his ability to roam and assist other lanes with his R - Grand Starfall. Continue to pressure Yasuo in the lane, but look for opportunities to influence other parts of the map. In team fights, Pantheon should focus on using his W - Shield Vault to lock down key targets, particularly Yasuo, to prevent him from dealing damage with his ultimate, R - Last Breath.


Jayce’s mid-game revolves around his ability to poke and burst down enemies before fights begin. Maintain pressure on Yasuo by constantly harassing him with ranged attacks. In team fights, position yourself to maximize the damage from your Q - Shock Blast and E - Acceleration Gate combo. Switch to hammer form when needed to dive onto Yasuo or other key targets, providing both disruption and high burst damage.

Late Game Strategies

In the late game, Pantheon’s role shifts to that of an engager and peeler. Use your R - R-Grand Starfall to join fights from a distance and create opportunities for your team. Focus on disrupting Yasuo by using W - Shield Vault to stun him during his R - Last Breath channel or when he becomes a threat to your backline. Your E - E-E-Aegis Assault can also block significant damage during team fights, providing a shield for you and your allies.


Jayce’s late-game effectiveness relies on his ability to poke and chunk down enemy health bars before committing to fights. Position yourself at the backline, utilizing Q - Shock Blast and E - Acceleration Gate to deal significant poke damage. When Yasuo dives in with his E- - E-Sweeping Blade and R-Last Breath, switch to hammer form to knock him back and disengage. Your burst damage and range allow you to kite Yasuo effectively and prevent him from reaching your squishier allies.

Team Fight Tactics and Initiation

Pantheon’s team fight initiation is straightforward due to his R - Grand Starfall. Use it to engage from unexpected angles, catching Yasuo and other key targets off guard. Coordinate with your team to follow up on your initiation. In skirmishes, use W - W-Shield Vault to chain stun Yasuo and prevent him from executing his combos. Your role is to create opportunities for your team to capitalize on, leveraging your strong crowd control and burst damage.


Jayce’s team fight contribution comes from his poke and burst damage. Initiate fights by whittling down the enemy team’s health with your Q - Shock Blast and E - Acceleration Gate combo. When engaging, use your hammer form to disrupt Yasuo and other divers who threaten your backline. Timing is crucial; switch between forms to maximize your damage output and survivability. Your ability to poke from a distance and burst enemies down makes you a valuable asset in team fights.

Jayce’s Attributes and Gameplay Techniques
Jayce’s versatility and skill ceiling make him a rewarding champion to master. His ranged poke and melee bursts allow for flexible playstyles, adapting to various matchups and game phases. His Q - Shock Blast and E - Acceleration Gate combo is a fundamental tool for zoning and poking enemies. Mastering this combo will enable you to exert constant pressure on Yasuo and other opponents.

In the planning phase, focus on utilizing Jayce’s range advantage to deny Yasuo farm and experience. Transition to hammer form for trades when Yasuo commits with his E - E-E-Sweeping Blade. Throughout the game, maintain map awareness and coordinate with your team for optimal poke and engage opportunities. Jayce’s ability to switch forms provides both offensive and defensive options, making him a dynamic and impactful pick.

Pantheon and Jayce both offer unique strengths in the planning phase and the team fights against Yasuo. While Pantheon excels in early-game dominance and reliable crowd control, Jayce provides continuous poke and high burst damage, making him a versatile and impactful champion throughout all game phases. Understanding the nuances of these champions and their matchups can significantly improve your gameplay and climbing potential in a solo queue.

By mastering Jayce’s attributes and honing your gameplay techniques, you can maximize your impact on the game and achieve greater success on the Rift. I hope this detailed guide helps you make an informed decision and enhances your overall gameplay experience.

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