Meet Amber Ramos Foothills

A recognized voice in the pain management field who has helped build Foothills Pain Management from one office to five. Patients and colleagues alike recognize her care for her office's work.

An unwillingness to compromise on the quality of care that their office provides is a common trait understood by anyone who has worked alongside or partnered with Amber. She is willing to put in the work needed to create opportunities for the practice’s patients — whether that means presenting exhaustive presentations to potential partners, combing through medical policy and procedures to ensure all best practices are being adhered to or taking time to speak to patients on a personal level, there is no job too big or too small for her attention.

After dedicating 10 years to the development of the Foothills Pain Management Clinic, Amber not only has a clear understanding of the goals of the practice, she also has a lead role in making sure the practice achieves those goals as the Practice Administrator.

If there is anything that Amber knows as well as the medical field, it is the soap operas that she has been watching with an undying interest in since she was a teenager. The show General Hospital might not have been what pushed her into the medical field in her youth, but it definitely played a part. 

Amber lives with her husband and three out of four of her children in the San Gabriel Valley, the primary community that Foothills Pain Management Clinic serves. Somehow, between the expansion of the practice and hours of narration from her shows, she manages to take her kids to an assortment of practices, games and exhibitions. Her oldest son was just married, and she is looking forward to spoiling her first grandson in a few months. 

