Mozi-Saint Seiya's joint skin is delayed.

Mozi-Saint Seiya's joint skin perfectly combines the glory and power of the gold saints, bringing the ultimate visual shock and a new combat experience.

"Honor of Kings" is a multiplayer online tactical competitive game. Since its launch on November 26, 2015, it has quickly become one of the most popular mobile games in the world. The game combines multiple elements such as real-time strategy, tower defense, and role-playing, providing players with a rich and diverse gaming experience. If you also like this game, mmowow gold is your best choice.

Game Background
The background of "Honor of Kings" is set in an overhead fantasy world. Players will play different hero roles and team up with other players to fight. Each hero has unique skills and positioning, such as warriors, mages, assassins, shooters, assistants, and tanks. Players need to choose the right hero to fight according to the needs of the team.

The game is mainly divided into multiple battle modes such as 5v5, 3v3, and 1v1. The most popular is the 5v5 King's Canyon mode. Players need to kill enemy heroes, soldiers, and defense towers, and finally destroy the enemy base to win. Each game usually takes about 15-30 minutes. Players need to make strategic layouts and real-time operations in a short period, which tests teamwork and personal skills.

In "Honor of Kings", the joint skin of Mozi and "Saint Seiya" is undoubtedly a highly anticipated collaboration. As a hero with both offensive and defensive capabilities, Mozi will wear exclusive Saint Seiya armor in this joint, showing an unprecedented cool image and powerful skills. Because the Saint Seiya joint skin is generally popular among players, it is decided to extend the discount time of Mozi-Golden Scorpio skin to 0:00 on July 26. The following is a detailed introduction to this joint skin:

Character introduction
As a Scorpio Gold Saint, Milo has a strong sense of justice and honor. He always stands on the side of justice and is loyal to the goddess Athena.
His scarlet poison needle represents judgment and death. Those who are hit will repent their sins in the gradually approaching stings. When the fifteenth needle "Andaris" is inserted, the person will usher in the end of life.
Pluto once again launched a war, and Milo followed Athena's footsteps to the underworld. In front of the Wall of Sighs, he and other gold saints sacrificed their lives and souls just to open the way to the Pure Land of Bliss...

Skin Appearance

Design Inspiration:
Mozi's Saint Seiya skin is inspired by the classic gold saint in "Saint Seiya". The design of its armor is full of elements of ancient Greek mythology, perfectly restoring the style of the Saint Seiya.

Visual Effects:
The skin is mainly golden, symbolizing the glory and power of Saint Seiya. The armor is exquisitely detailed, colorful, and full of high-end feeling.
Mozi's mechanical arms and armor are embedded with star symbols symbolizing Saint Seiya, which adds mystery and visual impact.

Action Effects
Normal Attack:
Each normal attack is accompanied by a golden light as if every attack contains the power of the stars. When the attack hits the enemy, there will also be a subtle starlight flickering effect, adding visual shock.

Skill Effects
Skill 1: Peaceful Stroll, a forward-rushing figure with a scorpion shape behind him
Release Effect: When Mozi releases the Peaceful Stroll skill, golden energy fluctuations will be generated as if stirring up circles of ripples.
Ground Effect: When releasing the skill, the light effect of the Saint Seiya symbol will appear on the ground, adding a sense of mystery and ritual to the skill.

Skill 2: Mechanical heavy artillery, scarlet poison needle, winding out, nebula and starry sky left on the ground after the explosion, and continuous lightning output
Charge Effect: When charging, Mozi's mechanical arm will emit dazzling golden light, and the energy is concentrated on the shells as if gathering endless star power.
Hit Effect: When the shell hits the enemy, a star explosion effect will be generated, and the golden light will shine everywhere, creating a strong visual impact.

Skill 3: Stick to the rules, and form a magic circle, four holy pillars rise around, the light wall around the holy pillars rotates, and the scarlet poison needles shuttle back and forth, bringing a different visual experience
Shield special effects: When Mozi unfolds the shield, there will be stars around the shield, and the golden starlight keeps flashing as if providing endless energy support for the shield.
Touch special effects: When the enemy touches the shield, a dazzling starlight explosion will occur. The explosion effect is full of dynamics and power, making the skill look more deterrent.

Voice special effects
Exclusive voice package:
The skin comes with an exclusive voice package, and Mozi will have a new voice prompt when casting skills and ordinary attacks. For example: "The power of the Saint Seiya, cut off all evil!", "Feel the anger of the stars!", etc., so that players have a stronger sense of substitution.

Other special effects

Return to the city special effects:
When Mozi returns to the city, he will unfold his armor, as if he is in the starry sky, surrounded by flashing stars, and finally disappear in a ray of light.

Appearance animation:
When Mozi wears the Saint Seiya armor, there will be a gorgeous appearance animation. Mozi descends from the starry sky, wearing armor, shining with golden light, and imposing.

User experience

Smooth action:
Mozi with this skin moves more smoothly in the game, and specific actions (such as jumping, running, and attacking) will also trigger unique animation effects.

Visual enjoyment:
This skin not only enhances Mozi's combat effect but also greatly improves visual enjoyment. The golden armor, dazzling light effects, and star-like special effects make players feel honored when using it.

If you want to know more about the skin, the honor of kings tokens for sale is a good choice.
Tokens can be used to purchase different heroes; and skins; not only provide visual enjoyment but also show the player's personality and game achievements. Purchase inscriptions; can provide additional attribute bonuses for heroes. Participate in activities and draws, purchase props and resources, etc.

Mozi-Saint Seiya linkage skin has reached a very high level in terms of appearance design, special effects display, and voice performance. It not only perfectly integrates the elements of "Saint Seiya", but also brings a new visual and auditory experience to the players of "Honor of Kings". If you are a loyal player of "Honor of Kings", this skin is not to be missed.

weedy wang

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