What Promo Codes Are Available on AliExpress?

AliExpress, a global e-commerce giant, offers a plethora of deals and discounts to its users. One of the most popular ways to save money on AliExpress is through the use of promo codes.

AliExpress, a global e-commerce giant, offers a plethora of deals and discounts to its users. One of the most popular ways to save money on AliExpress is through the use of promo codes. These codes can significantly reduce the cost of your purchases, making shopping on the platform even more enticing. Let’s explore the types of AliExpress codes and how to make the most of them.

Types of Promo Codes on AliExpress

  1. Welcome Coupons: New users can often take advantage of welcome coupons. These promo codes are specifically designed to attract new customers and typically offer a significant discount on the first purchase. It’s a great way to start your shopping journey on AliExpress.

  2. Store-Specific Coupons: Many individual stores on AliExpress offer their own promo codes to encourage purchases from their shops. These can include percentage discounts on specific items or a certain amount off when you spend over a particular threshold. Checking a store’s page for available coupons can lead to additional savings.

  3. Seasonal and Holiday Promotions: During major sales events like Singles' Day (11.11), Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and other holidays, AliExpress releases a variety of promo codes. These codes can provide substantial discounts across a wide range of products and are often available for a limited time.

  4. AliExpress Select Coupons: These are special coupons provided by AliExpress that can be used across multiple stores. They are usually earned through specific actions on the site, such as participating in sales events or reaching certain spending thresholds. Select coupons can be a powerful tool for maximizing savings.

  5. Group Buy Discounts: AliExpress sometimes offers promo codes that apply when buying in bulk or as part of a group. These group buy discounts encourage larger orders and can significantly reduce the overall cost per item.

  6. Category-Specific Codes: Occasionally, promo codes are available for specific categories of products, such as electronics, fashion, or home goods. These codes help you save on particular types of items, making it easier to find deals in the categories you’re most interested in.

  7. App-Exclusive Coupons: AliExpress encourages users to shop via their mobile app by offering exclusive promo codes for app users. These codes are often advertised within the app and can provide additional discounts not available on the desktop site.

How to Find and Use Promo Codes on AliExpress

Finding and using promo codes on AliExpress is straightforward. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you maximize your savings:

  1. Search for Promo Codes: You can find promo codes on the AliExpress homepage, in promotional emails, or by following AliExpress on social media. Additionally, dedicated coupon websites often list the latest codes available.

  2. Apply Promo Codes at Checkout: Once you’ve found a promo code, add your desired items to your cart and proceed to checkout. Enter the promo code in the designated field to apply the discount to your order.

  3. Combine Codes When Possible: Sometimes, AliExpress allows the stacking of different types of coupons, such as store-specific coupons with AliExpress Select Coupons. This can lead to even greater savings.

  4. Check Expiration Dates: Ensure that the promo code you are using is still valid. Many promo codes have expiration dates, so it’s important to use them before they expire.

  5. Follow AliExpress Sales Events: Keep an eye on upcoming sales events, as these often include a variety of new promo codes and special deals. Planning your purchases around these events can help you save significantly.


Promo codes are a fantastic way to save money on AliExpress. Whether you are a new user looking to take advantage of welcome coupons or a seasoned shopper searching for the best seasonal discounts, there is always a way to reduce your expenses. By staying informed about the latest promo codes and knowing how to apply them effectively, you can make the most of your shopping experience on AliExpress. Happy shopping!


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